Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Libertarianism Definitively Defined

I'll admit this is just a literary doodle, but what the hell. I was in a Target store the other day and overheard a conversation between two self-identified "Libertarians" trying to agree on what that meant. 

All I can say to a 21st Century fantasy-besotted political world where billionaires spend millions attempting the same impossible feat as my two twenty-something guys in a Target store (read: not billionaires) is:

A political philosophy invented by and tailored to those who love to hear themselves talk, because its so impossible to explain that when a libertarian is asked what it means to be one (s)he feel obliged to chase his/her tail until he/she talks him/herself into a knot just returning to the back end of their original question. 

Think of a snake eating itself.

You're welcome.

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