Friday, March 1, 2019

Remembering Standing Rock Again

Photo courtesy of Jason George, Colville, Washington
Y'know, I really like AOC and think she has all the qualities of being a true leader--including an aversion to inflated ego. With that in mind I'd like to remind that her line of questioning during the Michael Cohen hearing last Wed. that is getting such praise in the progressive press is nothing more than what we should have been expecting of any congressperson for decades and haven't gotten for those same decades. That's the real reason we're so shocked that a few of these folks elevated to a $200,000/year salary with tax-funded benefits (a really, really good job in other words) are actually doing the work they were hired to do. The first thing I saw when all this hoopla about her right-on questions hit the cyber-swirl was a tweet by her pointing out that it was her adequately-paid staff that is as much responsible for the questions as her. That's a flag up the pole for anyone who's not getting wrapped up in the noise (including unfortunately memes like the below) that things are truly turning, and that all it takes is honest, every-day folks to stand up and make it so. AOC identifies her visit to Standing Rock as a watershed event in her decision to run for congress. Nathan Phillips, the elder who was threatened by a bunch of Catholic school kids was there doing exactly what he was filmed doing at the Lincoln Monument, drumming and singing and digging deep. That man, whom the corporate press has pilloried in favor of the clean-cut unfortunate stupid white kid (whom I have sympathy for since I was one myself) represents the kind of inspiration we have all needed for so desperately-long. And remember: AOC just came close to being a target of a govt.-employed skinhead living in D.C. We can't just put her on a pedestal and feel like good things are being done for us. That would be absolutely unfair (and dangerous) for her. Things like the Cohen hearing Wed. are fragile victories. These folks who are willing to front for the rest of us need our full support, whatever it takes, which will be a lot. The cartoon is funny and I agree with the impulse, but we allow ourselves to become two-dimensional caricatures of ourselves at our peril. Especially in this screen-driven, two-dimensional age. 

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After her laser-like questioning of Michael Cohen to prep for going after Trump's taxes and other financial misdeeds, what better day to reveal "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Freshman Force," a comic honoring the fierce AOC - a big comics nerd - as the standard-bearer for young lawmakers promisin...
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