Tuesday, March 10, 2020

As I write, the final results of the Michigan Democratic primary aren't in yet, but a glance at the various news sites I follow have told me that Biden is trouncing Bernie. It's not over yet, of course, but the writing's on the Wall Street wall: Biden will probably be the nominee, and Elizabeth Warren, to whom I gave every benefit-of-the-doubt to, never said a peep to stop that freight-train-from hell-and-to hell from screaming into the station.

There's been much pundit-speak--o so much pundit-speak, about how those mean ol' Bernie supporters are so mean and...ol'! About how Americans will never vote for a socialist. About the middle-of-the-road and the dead skunks lying squashed there. But what's meaner, I wonder, than a swath of Democratic voters cutting off their own noses to spite someone else's face? 

Maybe that's not mean, after all. Maybe it's fear, a huge, giant fear of all those mythical Americans who say they want truly-affordable healthcare, relief from the various debtor's prisons (devised by the likes of, yes, Joe Biden), a livable planet, and accountability meted out to the Wall St. bastards and yet will vote for a fascist instead because they won't vote for a "socialist".

Well, guess what? Those people described above--the ones who like Bernie's programs but will vote for a fascist anyways--simply do not exist, do they? But there are many (apparently MANY) real people who liked all of those things above but are afraid THOSE OTHER PEOPLE might get so upset at Bernie being allowed to be the Democratic nominee that they'll vote for a fascist. That's some kinda fear, and I guess Elizabeth Warren agreed with them. 

Whatever it was that got us here to 2016 revisited, here we are. A fatally-flawed corporate Democrat to whom the power-elite (and the fearful) have pinned their hopes on is going to try to squeak a narrow victory out of November. I'm not a fortuneteller, but that's what was dealt us the last time and, by golly, it just didn't work out that time. Maybe it'll fly this time....right?

And if it does fly, and Biden is elected, there will be no affordable healthcare relief or debt relief to the millions who have needed it for so long, things Elizabeth Warren said she believed in. There'll be no transformative energy/environmental policies that we cannot wait for, which Warren also said she believed in. There will be no time left for any of that, because Biden will bring with him the hubris of dysfunction that is the Establishment Democratic Party, bought and paid for by Wall St. who really doesn't care who wins as long as it doesn't hurt their bottom line, like Bernie would have. Warren would have, too, if she'd have had a chance to do what she said she wanted to do. But that's all under the bridge now. Whatever Warren truly believed in, she has sided with the Establishment Democrats now, when it counts.

Of course, if the gambit of running yet another fatally-flawed candidate doesn't work, and trump gets re-elected, things will be even worse. But at least those Establishment Democrats can pat themselves on their backs and say "by golly, we at least kept Bernie out, and golly-gosh, maybe next time, huh?"

It is "Us" vs "Them" and they're winning. Only one question worth asking remains, one I wish Elizabeth Warren and her campaign staff had asked themselves: Which side are you on?

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